
Heritage International Public School



At Heritage International Public School we nourish our students for the challenges of the future, simultaneously ensuring that the pressure of today’s competitive world does not swallow up their childhood. In order to bring about the complete development of the child’s personality, considerable emphasis is laid on co-curricular activities, which challenge not only the physical but also the mental capabilities of our learners.

Various clubs catering to the social, emotional and aesthetic needs are functional in the school. The student can choose any one among the list of clubs at least for three academic years in order to attain proficiency

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The TED-Ed Student Talks Program supports students as they discover, explore and present their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks.
How It Works
1.The students will hold discussions on creative ideas.
2.TED-Ed’s flexible curriculum will be used as a guide to help inspire tomorrow’s TED speakers from Riverside.
3.We will implement the TED-Ed Student Talks as part of another youth/ed program.
4.Part of the curriculum helps students explore the ideas they're passionate about. By diving into activities that expand curiosity, participants will identify and discuss what matters most to them

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Art & Craft Club

Art & Craft is a highly enjoyable Club and forms an integral part of the school curriculum. Art involves an unstructured activity where children can explore and create anything with their imaginations; however, craft involves a structured activity where children create something keeping their goal in mind. Being part of the club, will help the child understand the meaning of his imagination and learn to self-express his vision. The Club helps the child to participate and explore the visual and tactile experience. It enhances the child’s individual craftsmanship, giving them an exposure to various types of craft and art. With all this, they learn life skills and develop their personal, social, moral, spiritual, and creative aspects.

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Dramatics Club

Drama in some form is found in almost every society, primitive and civilized, and has served a wide variety of functions in the society. Drama Club is designed for students interested in learning more about the aspects of theatre. This includes learning stage craft, working on acting skills, set building, costumes design and makeup. In contemporary drama education, there is no prescribed or definite list of elements of drama. However, these are some of the key elements on which we emphasise and enable the students of our school to learn the art of theatrics and drama.
* Plo
* Theme
* Characters
* Dialogue
* Music / Rhythm
* Genre
* Audience

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Dance Club

Dance club is important for students as dance burns calories, strengthens muscles, improves balance, increases flexibility and gives the heart a good workout. Dance has also been proven to increase cognitive development. Learning, thought, creativity and intelligence don’t just come from the brain alone, but from the entire body. Movement combinations increase memory, order and sequencing skills. Creating dances also increases self-esteem which is very important for learning.

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Music Club

Music is the language of the soul. The school conducts the Music Club with the objective of encouraging musical talent among students. The club has emerged as an important platform for students to showcase their talent of vocal and instrumental music. The club presents musical performances during the Assembly and also on special occasions. By inculcating love for music among students, the school provides them with an opportunity to participate in various competitions and musical programs at different levels.

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Photography Club (Classes IX - XII)

Photography is a universal language. A photo is not just a photo; it is a moment captured that tells many stories without even saying a word. It is the art of capturing perfect moments at the perfect time keeping in mind lighting, shapes, texture, patterns and colours. A perfect photo can be used as a tool that has the ability to give inspiration and motivation for one to be better versions of themselves.

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Quiz Club

The quiz club welcomes those who love to test their knowledge and intellect. General Knowledge helps an individual to gain knowledge about the world around them. The quiz club conducts activities to help sharpen the knowledge and skills of the students. The club also helps in updating the knowledge of its students in different sectors like academics, quantitative and qualitative ability, general awareness etc.

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Yoga Club

Yoga helps students to lead a calm and serene life. The various poses strengthen muscles, breathing techniques, improve immunity and release stress. The students of this Club actively participated in Yoga throughout the year in school and outside too.

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Debate Club

The Club facilitates analytical thinking by tapping the students’ natural talent of arguing. It actively works on the acquisition of comprehension skills in students to become competent readers and writers. This way Debating as a skill gets directly linked into the entire curriculum. Different types of activities conducted in this club are Moderated debates, Town-Hall debates, Lincoln -Douglas debates, Debate writing etc. The Club focuses on making the children more proficient in speaking, researching, reading and writing.

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The IIMUN Club is an experience-sharing platform, wherein relatively experienced IIMUNers of the club help the others with strategic planning and execution of the same, in a real committee.
The IIMUN Club has a fairly simple mission – Make Every Delegate the Best Delegate. Model United Nations has become very popular in schools. Students participate in it with pride. The conventional debate is gradually losing to MUN discussions and deliberations. Also known as Model UN or MUN, it is an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations and the United Nations. MUN teaches participants skills like research, public speaking, debating and writing, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork and leadership. It is meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding of the current world issues.